Paragraph on Wednesday
🎀💙Article title ( Used to )a
🔴 *Used to*🔴
*Used to: meaning and form*
We use used to when we refer to things in the past which are no longer true. It can refer to repeated actions or to a state or situation:
نستخدم used to عندما نشير إلى أشياء في الماضي و لم تعد صحيحة و من الممكن أن تُشير إلى الأفعال المتكررة أو الحالات .
🔻He *used to* play football for the local team, but he’s too old now.
هو اعتاد على لعب كرة القدم لصالح الفريق المحلي ، لكنه كبيرٌ جداً الآن.
🔻That white house over there *used to* belong to my family.
ذلك المنزل الأبيض هناك كان ينتمي إلى عائلتي.
(It belonged to my family in the past, but not any more.)
لقد إنتمى إلى عائلتي في الماضي ، لكنه ليس كذلك الآن.
In statements, the form used to does not change.
We do not use the ~verb be~ : (am/is/are) before it.
🔻We used to go to the seaside every summer when I was a kid.
We ~are~ used to go … or We ~use to~ go … or We ~were~ used to go …
didn’t use to
The negative of used to is most commonly didn’t use(d) to. Sometimes we write it with a final -d, sometimes not. Both forms are common, but many people consider the form with the final -d to be incorrect, and you should not use it in exams:
🔻It *didn’t use to* be so crowded in the shops as it is nowadays.
🔻I *didn’t used* to like broccoli when I was younger, but I love it now. (Don’t use this form in exams.)
🔻She *used not to* live as poorly as she does now live as poorly as she does now
I used to be ............ of spiders.
الجواب الصحيح ١ لأن love & like ما نستخدم معاها of على عكس Afraid لازم تلحقها of
٢ لأن زمن الفعل يكون Simple Present
1-use to
2-using to
3-used to
3 الجواب الصحيح
He *used to* be a farmer when he was young. After 20 years of farming, he decided to change careers. Now he's a teacher.
A- wanted to
B- was before but isn't now
الجواب B
🔵 Sentence : I used to live in the country . Now I live in NY City.
🔴 Meaning: I lived in the country in the past, but now I live in NY City.
⚫ Definition: Used to: Was done in the past but is not done now.
🔴 *Questions* 🔴
The most common form of question is auxiliary
الشكل الأكثر شيوعا من أشكال الأسئلة هو المساعدة.
Many people consider the form with a final -d to be *incorrect*, and you should not use it in exams:
I think we met once, a couple of years ago.
أعتقد بأننا التقينا مرةً قبل عددٍ من السنين.
🔻Did you use to work with Kevin Harris?✔
ألم تعتَد على العمل مع كيفين هاريز؟
🔻Didn’t she used to live in the same street as us? (Don’t use this form in written exams.) ❌
ألم تعتَد هي على العيش في نفس الشارع مثلنا؟
🔴 *Tags* 🔴
We normally make tags after the question.
نحن عادةً نجعل الكلمات الدلالية بعد السؤال و ذلك بنفي السؤال فتكون الإجابة ب نعم.
🔻He used to be your boss, didn’t he?
هو اعتاد على أن يكون مديرك، ألم يكن كذلك؟
Yes, he did.
نعم ، لقد فعل.
🔻We used to love going to the museum, didn’t we?
لقد اعتدنا على حب الذهاب إلى المُتحف، ألم نفعل؟
Yes , we did.
نعم ، فعلنا.
أما في حالة لو كان السؤال منفي فالكلمات الدلالية ستكون مُثبته كما هو موضح في المثال التالي :
🔻He didn’t use to be your friend, did he?
هو لم يعتد أن يكون صديقك، هل فعل؟
No, he didn’t
لا ، هو لم يفعل.
🔵 Sentence : I’m used to the noise.At first the sound of traffic kept me awake at night . After living in the city for five years, the noise doesn’t bother me.
🔴 Meaning:At the begining the noise was strange to me and kept me awake at night but now I’m familiar with it and can sleep.
⚫ Definition:be / get used to : become familiar with somthing or someone.
I *am* used to .... refers to the *present*
I used to ... refers to the *past*