🕗💙 Paragraph on Wednesday date 2018
🎀💙Article title ( Subject pronouns )a
Hi , How are you today ?a
I wish you fine all day to every person 💕
⚫Subject pronouns:
🔸a pronoun that takes the place of a nounas the subject of a sentence
🔸هي الضمائر التي تحل محل الفاعل في الجملة.
يأتوا فى بداية الجملة
I ➡«أنا»
You ➡ «أنت»
He ➡ «هو»
She ➡ «هي»
It ➡«هو أو هي لغير العاقل »
We ➡ «نحن»
They ➡ «هم»
🛑How can we use it?!
🛑كيف نقدر نستخدمها
1⃣We use these subject pronoun with verb to be
نستخدم ضمائر الفاعل مع الفعل المساعد
⚫Every subject pronoun needs to verb to be(helping verb)
I ➡ am
He,she,it ➡ is
You,we,they ➡ are
🔸How can I form sentence?!
Subject pronoun+verb to be
I am a student .
Fatima is beautiful
(She is beautiful.)
My father is a good reader
(He is a good reader)
The cut is very cute.
(It is very cute)
My brothers are smaller than me.
(They are smaller than me)
🛑هنا الامثله توضح كيف الضمائر حلت محل الفعل
2⃣How can I make questions by using them?!⁉️
🔸Yes /No Question and short answer:
⭕هي الاسئله الي تكون اجابتها نعم او لا فقط
هل انت في هذا الفصل
Yes,I am.
No,I am not
تختصر ب
No,I’m not.
Yes,she is.
No, She is not.
(No,she’s not) or (No, she isn’t)
Yes,they are.
✔No, they’re(they are) not.
✔(No, they aren’t)
Yes, We are.
No,we’re(we are) not. (No,we aren’t)
Don’t use contraction in affirmative answers. Use the contractions (isn’t) and (aren’t) in negative short answers.
لا تستخدم الاختصارات في الاجابه المثبه اي ب(Yes). تستخدم فقط في حاله الاجابه ب لا (No) مثل (isn’t) و (aren’t).
بامكاننا الرد احيانا باجابه قصير على السؤال مثل :
No,I’m not. I’m from Saudi Arabia.